Our Commitments
Thankyou Payroll offsets our carbon emissions and are certified carbon positive by Ekos, experts in carbon management. We track all of our business-related emissions and they crunch the numbers so we know how much to offset. In 2023/24 we offset 120% of our emissions through purchasing credits at French Pass in Marlborough, New Zealand

Our goals
Keep our Scope 1 emissions at zero and Scope 2 emissions as close to zero as possible – offsetting our remaining emissions. See our 2023/2024 Emissions Profile for more information on what these Scopes are and our current emissions.
To focus on travel optimisation, both business travel and staff commute to work – our biggest sources of Scope 3 carbon emissions.
To continue to grow our network of sustainable suppliers and partners.
To become a leader in sustainable business, inspiring better practices amongst other kiwi business owners along the way.
To encourage our staff to act sustainably both in the office and at home.
Our actions
Low-carbon commuting
We strongly encourage our team to use public transport, electric vehicles, bike, or walk to work where possible. We provide free public transport to our city offices. In 2023 we commenced our free e-bike loan staff policy to further incentivise eco-friendly travel.
Flexible working
Since the pandemic, working from home has become a new normal for many businesses. We support our team to find a balance that works for them. With our staff working from home 40% of the time, we’ve seen a substantial reduction in our carbon emissions.
Internal education
We regularly engage our team with what we are doing to work towards a more sustainable future. This gives our staff the opportunity to share their knowledge to craft solutions. It also helps educate and mentor our team on the steps they can take to reduce their carbon footprint.
Recycling & waste management
We encourage our team to establish good recycling habits and embed this with an in-house waste audit to keep track of what we throw out. We also have a take home compost roster in our Dunedin office – which will be introduced in our Wellington office shortly.
Sustainable partners & suppliers
We carefully handpick the companies we work with based on their commitment to a sustainable future.
Here’s a list of some of the awesome companies we work with.
- Ecotricity generates power from 100% renewable sources.
- Pedals Dunedin – a carbon neutral transport cycle courier.
- Cargills Enterprises – an e-waste disposal facility unlocking the potential of people with disabilities, empowering them to live purposeful lives through gainful employment.
- Peoples Coffee – A certified B Corp providing us with delicious coffee, delivered by e-bike.
Our risks
As a signatory to the NZ Climate Leaders Coalition, we are committed to assessing and disclosing climate change risks to our everyday operations. This holds us accountable for implementing actions to reduce these risks.
Extreme weather events
Increasing frequency of extreme weather events will disrupt our clients’ operations, and therefore payroll processing. This may lead to long-term business closures. Infrastructure we are reliant on, like internet fibre and data centres, could be physically disrupted too.
In 2023 we migrated to AWS, a cloud based data centre from our former, physical server that was located near SL.
Sea level rise
Rising sea levels will impact key infrastructure like roads and ports, for our major cities and communities at/near sea level. This will cause loss of access for both our clients and business, impacting our ability to get to work at our offices. Supply chains will also be heavily impacted which will have financial implications due to increased cost of products we are reliant on e.g. laptops.
We have a flexible working from home policy which can be used as a mitigation tool when office access is impacted.
Health risk
There is a risk to the mental health/hauora of employees who have trauma from repeated weather events and sea level rise.
We have recently implemented a Hauora leave policy that has 20 days of leave available to staff as well as other discretionary leave available for traumatic events.
Financial risk
Thankyou Payroll manages funds on behalf of our clients, which could be impacted by instability of the financial system due to extreme weather events and ongoing, gradual climate changes. There is a risk that our customer base diminishes as clients can no longer operate due to the flow on effects of this.
Reputational risk
There is a reputational risk if we do nothing or less than what is expected of us as a social enterprise that includes looking after people and the environment as part of our core business ethos/strategy.
We made a commitment to be carbon positive several years ago and have our carbon emissions measured, audited and certified by Ekos. Additionally we are signatories of the CLC and we monitor and review our emissions monthly via Carbontrail and use this information to inform sustainability and procurement practice and policies.
Thankyou Payroll emissions profile
(2023/2024 financial year)
Scope 1
Direct emissions from sources owned or controlled by the organisation (ie, within the organisational boundary). For example, emissions from vehicles owned or controlled by the business, onsite landfills, wastewater treatment, agriculture, and fuel combustion from factories.
0 tCO2e
Scope 2
Indirect emissions from the generation of purchased energy (in the form of electricity, heat or steam) that the organisation uses.
0.69 (1) tCO2e
Scope 3
Other indirect emissions occurring because of the activities of the organisation but generated from sources it does not own or control (eg, air travel, non-company vehicles, waste, freight, staff commutes etc).
20.59 tCO2e
Total Emissions
The combined total of Thankyou Payroll’s Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions.
21.28 tCO2e
Carbon Offsets
The reduction in emissions made by Thankyou Payroll to compensate for our own emissions. We offset 120% of our emissions, making us a carbon-positive organisation.
26 tCO2e
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