Our Why: Sustainable
& Impactful Payroll

Sustainability has been baked into our business model since 2011 and affects our community, our environment, and our people. It is a part of an even bigger plan, our why. At Thankyou Payroll sustainability is thinking long-term to create a lasting positive impact for our future generations, so every pay we run together can make good things happen across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Tree planting employees
Blue icon with hands clasping in support

Empowering our communities

Thankyou Payroll aims to ensure the impact started by our founders can continue beyond their direct involvement.

Blue icon of planet earth

Climate care for future generations

At Thankyou Payroll we don’t just recognise the climate crisis we’re living in, we’re taking action to do something about it.

Blue icon with happy people celebrating

Fostering our employees' health and wellbeing

At Thankyou Payroll we recognise that truly taking care of our staff helps to take care of our customers.


Our Climate Leader Coalition Report

Thankyou Payroll is a signatory of the CLC; an organisation working to accelerate business action on climate change in NZ. 

Empowering our Communities for their long term success

Thankyou Payroll aims to ensure the impact started by our founders can continue beyond their direct involvement.

We are pioneering a new Steward Ownership model transferring ownership from individual shareholders to an independent, not-for-profit trust, Generous Ventures – over the next 6 years. Our business outcomes are driven by delivering lasting impacts that can be sustained regardless of who is on the Thankyou Payroll team.

This commitment provides a long term, and a sustainable pathway to meaningfully contribute to our communities, making a bigger impact.

our staff with logos for Thankyou payroll and Generous ventures
thankyou payroll staff next to the waterfront

Caring for the climate for our future generations to thrive

At Thankyou Payroll we don’t just recognise the climate crisis we’re living in, we’re taking action to do something about it.

We are making commitments to our environmental sustainability and with climate change risks at an all time high, that’s not about to change.

We go above and beyond to ensure lasting positive impact for our future generations by offsetting 120% of our emissions.

Fostering our Employees’ health and wellbeing for a better workplace

At Thankyou Payroll we recognise that truly taking care of our staff helps to take care of our customers. Systematically tackling improvements to our company policies has been the cornerstone of this and that focus on not stopping while we’re ahead ensures we continue to have a great place to work.

Our employee package now includes 20 days of Hauora leave (sickness and wellbeing leave), free public transport for work commuting, and fully subsidised Southern Cross health insurance among other benefits.

Seeing the value of our employees’ health and wellbeing is a key asset that tells a powerful and lasting story about being a member of the Thankyou Payroll whānau.

our staff with logos for Thankyou payroll and Generous ventures

Our affiliates